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In fact, 25% of all dessert profits (the cake sells for $3.25 per piece) will benefit Hetrick-Martin Institute, which, according to an official press relesae, 'believes all young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.' Specifically, the nonprofit will use the donations to support mental health services. Keep in mind that there's a specific way you should be eating the dessert, and that is by peeling it layer by layer-a great way to analyze its bouncy, chewy, jelly-like texture.īut Lady Wong's owners, husband-and-wife duo chef Mogan Anthony and Seleste Tan, aren't only supporting the LGBTQ+ cause through striking, rainbow-colored visual measures. The vegan, nut-free, egg-free and dairy-free treat is made with coconut milk, virgin palm sugar from Southeast Asia and a slew of spices and ingredients that give it its particularly vibrant colors (namely: turmeric, beets, pea flour, coconut flour and an Asian vanilla called pandan). Case in point: beloved East Village bakery Lady Wong's new steamed Indonesian rainbow cake, a Pride-inspired version of a popular childhood dessert in Southeast Asia, that will be served at the venue throughout the month of June. As Pride Month approaches, eateries all around town are doing their part to celebrate the momentous occasion the best way they know how.

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